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Student, Staff Basketball Game
Sandridge Science Fair
Student, Staff Basketball Game
Sandridge Science Fair
Student, Staff Basketball Game
Sandridge Science Fair
Student, Staff Basketball Game
Sandridge Science Fair
Kids Playing

Mission Statement

Sandridge SD 172 is committed to providing a Competitive Learning Environment that empowers each scholar to Achieve by Responding to an ever-changing world.

Student Support Service

Our aim is to support every child's academic, social-emotional, and behavioral success.

Board of Education

Sandridge School District 172 Board of Education page, where you can find all videos and documents related to our school board of education.

Sandridge Sports

Athletics and Extra Curricular, After School Programs

School Videos & Photos

Find out what position we have available...

School Food Services

Our staff is dedicated to meeting the needs of students by providing quality nutritious meals with exceptional customer service.

Human Resources

Recruitment & selection, performance management, learning & development, succession planning, compensation and benefits.

Staff Portal

Coming Soon

Parent Portal

The Parent Portal is designed specifically for parents and is optimized for use on mobile devices and tablets.

Student Portal

Coming Soon!

Vision Statement

To provide every student with the tools and skills needed to become
lifelong learners and productive members of society.

Calendar & News

By the Numbers


Athletic teams and clubs Link


Of Students ride the bus for 20 min or less each day


STEAM courses offered in 2017-2018


Of students love our cafeteria food


Nationalities represented by the student body


Connected campus


Of graduates matriculate to a local High School


Outdoor clubs and after school programs